N'Move - HIT Fit Dance Summer edition
Er en 50 min. festlig dansetime til lækkert musik med Silent FIT høretelefoner.
Beskrivelse af service
HIT Fit Dance Summeredition er en 50 min. festlig dansetime til lækkert musik med Silent FIT høretelefoner. Instruktøren tager dig igennem dejlige hits fra de sidste 5 årtier, hvor du vil møde dansestilarter alt fra disco til jive. Timen tager højde for alle niveauer, så snup endelig veninden, din mor, søster eller kæreste med under armen og dans dig igennem en time hvor vi lover dig sved på panden, skøn musik og ikke mindst masser af grin, godt humør og smil. Billetten inkluderer en kaffe fra cafeen, efter endt workout.
Kommende sessioner
We work with the weather and the wind for our Surf & SUP courses. Therefore the weather determines the activity of the day. We only cancel courses if the weather is too wild and not safe to go on the water. We do not cancel due to lack of waves but instead we take out SUP boards and enjoy the quiet North Sea. You are therefore always guaranteed a good experience with us! See you for a fun day on the sea. Cancellation - If canceled 1 month before, 100% of the booking will be refunded. - If canceled 2 weeks before, 50% of the booking will be refunded. - You can always rebook your course to another date and time up to 2 days before your course starts. - If you do not attend the course, 0% of the booking will be refunded. - We are planning an employee for your course, which will give you the best experiences with us. Therefore, we reserve the right to the full amount of the booking, otherwise we could not pay our fantastic employees and run a Løkkendarisk business by the water.
Sdr Strandvej 18, Løkken, Denmark